Passionate Ink Interviews Me!
Passionate Ink is the Erotic Romance Special Interest Chapter #207 of Romance Writers of America 10 Questions: Diana Sobolewski Posted on...

5 star review from a man's point of view on Amazon!
I'm very proud to have male and female readers! John H Wear 5.0 out of 5 stars Not just a romance story August 9, 2018 Format: Kindle...

A gentleman in Ireland ordered my books and was kind enough to send me this photo! https://www.amazon.com/Ms.-Diana-Sobolewski/e/B01C1OYR...

5 Star Review from Manic Readers!
"There's a lot of good sex, and the lifestyles of the rich and famous are more than worth the read. And if you happen to be an oenophile...

Life after the Desire & Luxury Wine series
LIFE AFTER THE DESIRE & LUXURY WINE SERIES --- What’s next? Sixty percent of my manuscript for Book 3 Master Class is written and I know...

Review from a male point of view!
Wonder what a MALE REVIEWER might say about my 1st Book on Amazon, read ahead! ♥️ D. Roberts VINE VOICE 5.0 out of 5 stars High...

Diana Sobolewski, Wine Agent & Romance Author; my story
I'm a Wine Agent and have been since 2004. In that time, I have had the good fortune to work with some amazing wine producers. And, I...

Romance Writer doesn't have a date for Valentine's Day in Maximum Yield
Excerpt: February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the day for lovers. And the relationship she was in was with a fictional alpha male on the...

Bordeaux Châteaux Dining
I learned a lot about Wine and Food Pairing while dining at legendary wine-producing Bordeaux Châteaux; which came in very handy for my...